Membership Info
Membership applications are available at the Clubhouse or via email ( All new membership applicants must have TWO sponsors who have been members, in good standing, for at least TWO full years. The sponsors' current year's dues must be paid. APPLICANTS MUST BE KNOWN TO THEIR SPONSORS FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS. Please complete the application in its entirety! Applications that are missing information will not be accepted. NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICANTS MUST ATTEND THE MONTHLY MEETING IN ORDER FOR THEIR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS TO BE READ AND VOTED ON BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Upon approval of a membership, you will need to provide photo identification and sign our liability waiver prior to receiving your membership card. Dues for new members are $100. On-time renewals are $50. Membership dues are NOT refundable.
Members are permitted to bring guests into the Clubhouse 3 times before the guests are required to join; however, the ranges are for members only.
The regular Club Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month. They start at 7:30 PM. You are welcome to attend and voice your opinions, make suggestions, etc.